Climate Change Project

The Climate Change project is an initiative of the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development with the mandate of bridging the gap in knowledge and capacity deficit in climate change reporting and environmental journalism across West Africa. 

The centre strategy for achieving this involves promoting public awareness of climate change through research, advocacy, media innovations and capacity building.


Our mission is to foster capacity to drive change by elevating the quality of environmental journalism and advocating for accountability in environmental governance across West Africa. Leveraging the CJID’s position as a liaison between media and advocacy, we expedite development-oriented policy reforms and actions that empower citizens in their environmental choices and alleviate the burden of climate-induced challenges. This is accomplished through strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including CSOs, communities, and governmental agencies.

Our impact so far

National Elections
Sub-National Elections
0 +


Our vision is to cultivate an environmentally literate society where citizens harmonise with nature and utilise their understanding of climate change to inform equitable decisions. We aspire to influence governments to integrate climate change into national planning and budgeting, fostering environmentally informed policies for sustainable development.

Want to partner or collaborate on a Climate Change related project? Let's talk about it!