Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) and KonradAdenauer Stiftung (KAS) Commemorate 2024 World Press Freedom Day

Abuja, Nigeria- Friday, May 3, 2024: As the world celebrates World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2024, The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) is commemorating this day set aside to reflect on the fundamental principles of press freedom, freedom of expression and access to information, and their significance in today’s democratic landscape by organizing an event in Abuja.

The theme for this year’s World Press Freedom Day, “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of Environmental Crisis”, highlights the crucial role of journalism in raising awareness of all aspects of the global environmental and climate crisis and its consequences in not just promoting accountability in environmental and climate matters but also in securing our democracy. The event, in its entirety, will explore the intricate relationship between press freedom, information disorder, and environmental challenges; this is in dedication to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental and climate crisis.

The event will have media experts, lawmakers, legal experts, academia, journalists, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders in attendance, accommodating both physical and virtual participation. It has a lineup of events, including a keynote address on “The Role of Nigerian Media in Reporting Environmental and Climate-Induced Conflict”, followed by a panel discussion on “Navigating the Intersection of Media Regulations, Press Freedom Advocacy and Ethical Journalism in the Face of Environmental Crises”. The panel will provide an avenue to underscore the need for journalists to practise their work within the best journalistic ethical practices of accuracy, verification, and truthfulness.

There will be a paper presentation on “Protecting Press Freedom in the AI Age”, covering the impact of AI on freedom of expression and highlighting the intersection of AI, press freedom, and environmental reporting. This will be followed by workshops on “Digital Rights of Journalists in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” and “Fact-checking Tools for Detecting Information Disorder in Environmental Reporting” respectively.

The overall objective of this day is to raise awareness about challenges faced by journalists and safeguard the principles of freedom of expression. Additionally, it aims to raise awareness of all aspects of the global environmental crisis, specifically focusing on its impact on the Nigerian environment and climate. Furthermore, the event seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the implications of AI technologies on freedom of expression for journalists and the broader media landscape, thereby empowering journalists and media professionals to navigate the complexities of AI technologies more effectively and adhere to the best journalistic ethical practices, including accuracy, verification, and truthfulness.

We at the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) recognize the pivotal role of a free press in fostering democratic accountability for inclusive and sustainable development. Through a multifaced approach encompassing advocacy, research, civic technology, and capacity building, we strive to create an environment conducive to independent journalism and media freedom, and safeguarding and promoting freedom of expression and press across Africa.

On this World Press Freedom Day, the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) stands in solidarity with journalists across Africa. Restating its commitment to defending and promoting press and media freedom, advocating for the protection, welfare and safety of journalists, thereby fostering an environment where the media can thrive in Nigeria and across Africa.